Thursday, 19 July 2012

10 Foods High in Calcium

10 Foods High in Calcium
The health of your bones is determined by adequate calcium intake, genetics, hormones and regular exercise. The Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University refers to a recommended "adequate intake level" of 1,000 mg of calcium daily for people aged 19 to 50. That recommendation was made by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine, a not-for-profit organization that conducts independent studies at the behest of the federal government. Consuming three or four servings of high-calcium foods should meet your recommended daily intake level.


A cup of skim or 1% milk should contain about 300 mg of calcium, while whole milk contains 290 mg and 2% milk contains 295 mg. When purchasing milk, consider buying milk fortified with Vitamin D, which will aid your body in absorbing calcium.

Low-Fat Yogurt

Plain, low-fat yogurt contains 400 mg of calcium per cup. In addition to having a high amount of calcium, yogurt also is a good source of probiotics that aid digestion.
Fortified Soy Milk

Some fortified soy milks can contain more calcium than a glass of milk: about 400 mg of calcium per cup. Of course, you should always read the label of any fortified product because the amount of calcium will vary depending on the manufacturer.
Fortified Orange Juice

Orange juice fortified with calcium contains about 300 mg, the same amount of calcium per cup as a glass of skim milk. If you choose orange juice that is not fortified, be prepared to only get about 22 mg per cup.
Swiss Cheese

If you're looking for a cheese with a high amount of calcium, choose Swiss cheese. It has 270 mg of calcium per ounce, versus 210 mg for mozzarella cheese or 140 mg for American cheese.
Ricotta Cheese
Both whole milk and skim ricotta cheese contain significant amounts of calcium. However, you're better off choosing part skim ricotta, which has 337 mg of calcium per half-cup versus whole milk ricotta, which contains 257 mg.

Canned, bones in sardines without salt have 325 mg of calcium for 3 ounces. However, the strong taste of sardines may make it difficult to consume 3 ounces in one sitting.

Firm tofu has 258 mg of calcium per half-cup. If you choose regular tofu, the calcium content plummets to 130 mg.

A cup of rhubarb contains 348 mg of calcium, making it a great alternative to dairy products if you are lactose intolerant or vegan. If you consume large amounts of rhubarb, be aware that most recipes contain a lot of sugar to counteract the tart natural flavor of this plant.

Salmon has 225 mg of calcium per 3 ½ ounce serving. Compared with haddock, which contains 42 mg of calcium for the same serving, or shrimp, which contains 50 mg per serving, salmon is a great choice if you want to increase your calcium intake when eating seafood.


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