Thursday 19 July 2012

Healthy Food in Five Minutes a Day

Healthy Food in Five Minutes a Day

Eating healthy doesn't have to be complicated or take a long time to prepare. It is possible to create healthy meals and snacks in five minutes a day. Just be prepared, shop often, avoid processed foods, remember to include protein, high fiber, fruits and vegetables, and eat foods that are in season for the freshest flavors.

Protein is important for energy, creating strong bones and muscles and is an integral part of the immune system. Protein also keeps a person full for a longer period of time. For quick, protein filled meals, spread hummus on whole wheat bread and add freshly sliced vegetables, or mix fruit into a bowl of Greek yogurt. A handful of nuts, slices of apple dipped in peanut butter or cubes of cheese and whole wheat pitas also provide protein pick-me-ups. Instant quinoa, a grain that is a complete protein, is versatile and can be mixed with almond slices, spinach, peas and spices for a delicious meal.

Vegetables and Fruits

Fresh, seasonal produce will provide various nutrients such as vitamin C, D, A and B12. Choose colorful vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, corn, spinach and carrots. Dip vegetables in hummus or a low-fat dip for extra flavor. Fruits such as watermelon, apples, oranges and kiwis provide excellent nutrients. For a fun snack, mix the fruit with yogurt and ice, making a refreshing smoothie.

Whole Grains

Eating whole grains can reduce the risk of health issues such as stroke, type 2 diabetes and heart disease, according to the Whole Grains Council. Whole grain cereals, breads or trail mix are high in fiber and nutrients while being low in fat. Quick cooking brown rice or bulgar are other quick options. Be sure to mix the whole grains with a protein and fruit or vegetable for a filling meal or snack.


Dairy is an integral part of a healthy diet. It is filling, provides protein and also provides additional nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D. A quick glass of low-fat milk can provide all of these benefits. Low-fat cheese sticks, yogurt and apple slices and cheese are also quick to prepare and provide a range of nutritional benefits.


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