How To Stop Hair Loss - Tips
While hair loss may not necessarily be a disease in the conventional sense, it can still cause a lot of suffering. Traditionally, hair loss has been regarded negatively, and subconsciously associated with aging and loss of beauty. Thus hair loss, especially if it is premature, is capable of causing great emotional turmoil and in some cases, may even lead to social withdrawal.
No one can understand the agony of an individual who is going through hair fall than the one who has experienced the pain. The advice given on this website is derived both from scientific facts and my personal experience. Let’s take a look at some selected and effective tips to prevent hair loss:
How to stop Hair Loss – TIP # 1
Start Consuming a Good Multivitamin + Multimineral Pill
If you are experiencing major hair fall, it indicates deficiency of key nutrients in your body. To take care of that, along with a good and balanced diet, take multivitamins and multiminerals to replenish the nutrient deficiency in your body fast and prevent hair loss. You can buy them from any "health food" store. Just ask for the best multivitamin-multimineral tablet available that gets easily absorbed into the adult body. The idea is to ensure proper nutrient supply into your body to resume its proper functioning and stop hair loss.
How to stop Hair Loss – TIP # 2
Drink Plenty of Water Daily
Drinking at least between 10 and 14 - 8oz. glasses of water every day is another great way to prevent hair loss. Water helps wash off toxins from your body. These toxins could be a major reason for hair loss. Drink distilled water or at least filtered water that does not contain Chlorine, lead, etc. for healthy hair.
How to stop Hair Loss – TIP # 3
Cut Caffeine
I find this one the hardest! Caffeine is a diuretic, which makes you urinate out more liquid than you take in causing dehydration. Dehydration of your body and hair roots is another key reason for hair loss. Replace your daily coffee intake with a fruit beverage, milk or any other non-caffeinated drink to those shiny and healthy hair.
How to stop Hair Loss – TIP # 4
Sleep Is the Key - Get 7 to 8 Hours of Sleep Every Night
Proper amount of sleep every night is vital for your overall health and that of your hair as well. Sleep is the time for the body to regenerate and recover from the day’s work, removing the toxins you inhaled, eaten and drank. A sound sleep helps you in getting a sound and healthy body and controls hair falling.
How to stop Hair Loss – TIP # 5
Know what you apply to your hair!
Most of the men hardly care about the shampoo they are using. I have seen a lot of my friends using a four-in-one shampoo, conditioner, body wash & automotive degreaser in one easy-to-use bottle for hair!
Always use good hair care products and not just any scented shampoo. Add special hair care products to your routine and you’ll feel natural after trying it for a couple of days. Using specialized and good hair care products is a significant step towards hair loss prevention.
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